Is Sugar Free Safe?

October 28, 2021 | By | 3 Replies More

Diet coke:  zero calories, zero sugar, and zero carbs?

 I have often wondered how a liquid so flavourful and similar to its calorie-filled sister product, Coke, can possibly have these properties and not be bad for me. How do they do it?

The answer: Aspartame. 

The truth: aspartame is far more dangerous and pricier than those extra calories that it replaces. In our diet-crazed society, the use of artificial sweeteners has skyrocketed and people are naively, mindlessly, and constantly consuming these chemicals. Aspartame has infiltrated the world’s diet for decades and is the most widely used artificial sweetener in the world. Not just in diet coke, but in almost every kind of processed food to can think of.

However, aspartame is a dangerous chemical with numerous side effects and a history tainted with business greed, and political lies. Furthermore, the “diet” industry today offers low calories, low fat, and low sugar options; however, many diet products include aspartame, which has been scientifically shown to actually cause weight gain. How has such a chemical entered so many products? And why is it that now, after numerous studies have revealed this chemical’s tendency to wreak havoc on our minds and bodies, this chemical is still allowed and so widely used?

Aspartame (E951) is now being used in more than 6000 products and millions of people worldwide use the sweetener on a daily basis, in drinks, on cereals, cakes and biscuits (cookies) to name but a few.

Some of the brand names for aspartame you may recognise:
Amino Sweet, NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, etc.

Aspartame is used in any of the following products:
Sugarfree, Light, Diet, Zero (Coke, Sprite & Fanta), Coke 007, Pepsi Max, Crystal Clear, Low-Calorie, Crystal Light, No Sugar Added, Smint, Stimorol Ice, Stimorol Fusion, Freedent, Mentos, Sportlife, etc.

Aspartame breaks down into three toxic components: especially if subjected to high temperatures.

1. Methanol. 
This is poisonous alcohol. In the body, methanol breaks down into formaldehyde, which is a poison.

2. Phenylalanine.
This decreases the amount serotonin in your brain, which leads to mood swings (depressions) and an increased appetite! That is why aspartame is one of the main causes for the current obesity epidemic.

3. Aspartic acid.
This is a neurological toxin comparable to MSG.

This is a huge revelation. Should the industry be sponsoring ‘safety’ studies themselves?


The results say for themselves.

In addition to causing cancer, aspartame also causes many other health problems including epilepsy, migraines, diabetes, obesity, brain disorders, fibromialga, MS, etc.

Aspartame is also blamed for the ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ suffered by many involved in the 1990/1991 Gulf War. As sugar was not allowed during this war, the US government supplied ‘Diet Coke’ to the troops, which was of course laced with aspartame as was any other foods that normally contained sugar. It’s a known fact that the ‘Diet Coke’ sent to the Gulf was stacked on pallets in the searing desert heat for up to 90 days (see above), any wonder these men and women of the armed forces went home with such debilitating conditions?

From the early ‘80’s, consumer complaints began pouring into the FDA related to aspartame use. Among the symptoms reported are the following:

hearing loss
numbness and tingling of extremities
blurred vision
eye problems
memory loss
slurred speech
mild to suicidal depression
personality changes
violent episodes
mood changes
anxiety attacks
heart arrhythmia
gastrointestinal disorders
skin lesions
muscle cramps
joint pains
menstrual irregularities
chest pain
increased appetite (see below)

Yes, you did read correctly, ‘increased appetite’ Artificial sweeteners can increase appetite because as the sweet taste hits the mouth, a message is passed on to the body that carbohydrates are coming in; then the pancreas swings into action and sends insulin into the bloodstream. As there are no actual carbohydrates, the insulin lowers the blood sugar and appetite increases, not good if you’re on a diet!!

I have been following this subject for quite a few years now, due to my own arthritis which I have suffered from since the age of 26 (43 years. Right from the start I was convinced that arthritis was not aggravated by the wet weather. I had my suspicions it was due to my diet and not the weather which caused my arthritic flair-ups and proceeded to taking note of the foods that appeared to have a detrimental effect. I won’t go into detail of the list now, but artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame were high on that list.  

Do let me know your thoughts on tshis subject below


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Judith Smider
Judith Smider
August 23, 2023 1:24 am

Hi Mr. Paul,

I agree with you 100%! I stay away from all food products that contain artificial sweeteners. My daughter suffers from migraines and realized that Aspartame would set them off. I just consider it legalized poison. Why governments put the almighty dollar above people’s health is beyond me.

David Dickson
David Dickson
June 7, 2022 10:21 pm

I totally am in agreement with what Mr Paul has explained here. I only wish my wife would agree. She is on a constant crusade to lose weight but drinks some of these aspartame laced sodas. So my question now is, what is the general consensus on Stevia? I’ve seen a big shift over the years to this sweetener and I even had a Stevia plant where I used the leaves in cooking. It’s natural, but if it does the same thing as aspartame where blood sugar levels are concerned causing increased appetite, I would think that it also needs to be eschewed. Your thoughts?

Chris Barnwell
Chris Barnwell
April 11, 2019 10:25 am

I have been aware of the dangers of Aspartame for many years.
In the USA food and drink products must, by law, carry a warning that the contents have been responsible for causing cancer in laboratory tests.
Aspartame is also used in ‘tooth friendly’ drinks for children. Tooth friendly – Brain Deadly!
Thank you for putting the warning up on your page, I hope people take note and avoid the dangers.
The UK government refuse to condemn the use of aspartame because of the billions of £’s involved.
Another example of their callous lack of care for the people of this country.