How to Cook Perfect Rice

January 30, 2018 | By | Reply More

Steamed White Rice Recipe

Cooking Rice appears to be a problem for many people; I get emails all the time asking the same things about cooking rice. Hopefully, I can answer the one question that’s top of the list as far as cooking rice is concerned.

If you enjoy rice a lot then a dedicated rice cooker is a great kitchen gadget, although we have two in the house, the one I use most is now near to 50 years old and was purchased by my wife in Singapore during one of her round the world trips and it’s still going strong. But, if you only cook rice occasionally then I don’t think it’s worth investing in one, just like any other little used kitchen gadget: a waste of space and money. So if you cook rice only occasionally this is how to do it on your stovetop.

You’ve probably noticed in Chinese restaurants and some recipe books they refer to plain white rice as steamed. Confusingly, it is also quite often called boiled rice. What actually happens is, during the first stage of cooking the rice boils and as the water is absorbed by the rice it then Steams. Having said that, the Chinese themselves just call the method Zhu (mi) fan which translates to ‘Cook Rice’.

Before cooking your rice it’s always advisable to rinse it very well in cold water. I personally rinse through about 5 changes of water or until the water is looking clearer, this is to remove any surface starch which is what makes the rice clump if not removed. Normally the ratio of water to rice is 1 of rice and two of water, however, as the rice has been rinsed, the water should be reduced to 1.5 instead of two

1 measures  rice (long grain)
11/2 measures of cold water

Note: This rule applies to whatever the measure (volume not weight) you use, i.e. Cups, Bowls, Etc. For two  people I use 1 breakfast cup as a rice measure.


1.       Remove dust and impurities by rinsing rice in a few changes of cold water. Run your fingers through rice as you rinse.

2.       Drain and place rice into a flat, heavy bottomed pot with a tight fitting lid.

3.       Add cold water.

4.       Without lid, bring to a boil on a medium heat. Stir well. Turn heat down to a slow simmer.

5.       Place lid on pot, and simmer on a very low heat for about 10 – 15 minutes. Or until all the water has been absorbed by the rice.

6.       Turn off heat and allow rice to rest with the lid on for 15 minutes to complete water absorption process before you mix it.

7.       Mix rice with a fork (never a spoon)  to fluff it up, and serve in bowls.

Paul’s Tip Cooking time may vary depending on the type of rice. In general long grain rice needs a bit more water than short, and older rice is dryer and may also need extra water. Never use a wok. Never toss in oil, butter or salt, or any other additive. Do not remove the lid from the pot until the rice is ready to serve. Do not rinse rice after cooking.

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Category: Blog, Recipes, Tips, Tricks & Techniques

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